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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

In Year 3 we work really hard to make a good start on our journey at the Junior school.

There are three classes:

Class 1 taught by Mrs Morgan, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Blissett

Class 2 taught by Mrs Harris

Class 3 taught by Miss Johnson




We have support from Mrs Vickers, Mr Hannan, Miss Small, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Crutchley and Ms Adams.



Year 3 PE

Class 1 have PE on a Monday and Wednesday

Class 2 have PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday

Class 3 have  PE on a Monday and Wednesday

Year 3 Homework

Homework is uploaded to Seesaw weekly. Homework books (kept at home) can be used to complete the tasks in and then a photo should be uploaded for your teacher to see. 

Children should also be reading regularly at home (your Collins Big Cat book or your free reader book) and recording a comment in their reading diary every time that they read. 

Please also complete regular practise of times tables and spellings using Edshed, My Maths, Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars