At New Invention Junior School, we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum tailored to individual pupil needs, which will enable all children to achieve their maximum potential. We also strive to ensure that all pupils develop an enthusiasm for and a love of learning. Scroll down to see a snapshot of the work we do.
Ethos and Values
Relationship and sex education (RSE) will reflect the values of the PSHE and Citizenship programme. RSE will be taught in the context of relationships. In addition RSE will promote self-esteem and emotional health and well-being and help them form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, school, work and in the community.
At New Invention, we aim to provide a holistic education for all children. Every pupil will receive their full entitlement to RSE regardless of their educational ability, gender, race, disability, ethnicity or faith. We aim to support children in their emotional, cultural and social, as well as academic development.
Contributing to the foundation of PSHE, the school’s RSE programme aims to ‘explore attitudes and values with children about relationships, emotions, self-esteem and personal safety.’ Children will develop skills in order to make positive decisions about their health related behaviour. During RSE, children will ‘develop personal and social skills and a positive attitude to growing up’.
The school aims to provide a graduated, age-appropriate RSE programme emphasising the social and emotional aspects of relationships.
RSE will teach 7-11 year olds to understand:
- the range of their own and others’ feelings and emotions,
- the importance of personal safety and what to do or to whom to go when feeling unsafe,
- to develop and use communication skills and assertiveness skills to cope with the influences of their peers and the social media,
- to be prepared for puberty and adulthood, including physical and emotional changes that take place at puberty, including conception, pregnancy and birth.
Sex and Relationship Education is delivered through Science, RE, PSHE, citizenship, Computing, literacy activities and ‘circle time’. A planned and co-ordinated approach to each subject can provide an appropriate framework for RSE to take place providing pupils with a consistent message.
RSE is taught by classroom teachers, teaching assistants and if appropriate, outside visitors such as the school nurse. A range of teaching methods include use of video, discussion, looking at case studies, drama and role-play.
Sex and relationship education is usually delivered in mixed gender groups however, there may be occasions where single gender groups are more appropriate and relevant
The minimum statutory requirement for RSE is that schools must deliver the National Curriculum for Science to all children within school:
Key Stage 2
- That the life processes common to humans and other animals include nutrition, growth and reproduction.
- The main stages of the human life cycle, including puberty.
Dealing with Difficult Topics / Questions
All teachers are aware of the ground rules which provide an agreed structure to answering sensitive or difficult questions. Teachers will endeavour to answer questions as honestly as possible but if faced with a question, they do not feel comfortable answering within the classroom, provision would be made to meet the individual child’s needs.
Parental Consultation
The Sex and Relationship Education policy is shared here on our website and full details are available on request. The school informs parents when aspects of the sex and relationship programme are taught and will be given an outline of the lessons in advance, so they are able to make an informed decision.
Safeguarding / Confidentiality
Teachers need to be aware that effective sex and relationship education, which brings an understanding of what is and is not acceptable in a relationship, may lead to disclosure of a child protection issue.
- The staff member will inform the Head Teacher /Designated Child Protection person in line with the agreed procedures for child protection.
- A member of staff cannot promise confidentiality if concerns exist.
Monitoring, Assessing and Reviewing
To ensure that the policy is adhered to and is effective, it will be monitored, reviewed and evaluated regularly. The school will assess the effectiveness of the aims, content and methods in promoting pupils’ learning by lesson observation, sampling teachers' planning, questionnaires to teachers and children and feedback from parents. The effectiveness of the SRE programme will be evaluated by assessing children’s learning and implementing changes if required.
Please see our full policy below.