Attendance Information for parents and carers
Our School’s attendance target is 97.25%.
This means your child’s attendance target is 97.25%.
New Invention Junior School is working towards reducing absence this academic year. This letter is to inform all parents/carers of New Invention Junior School’s expectations and to advise parents on ways to prevent any action in relation to attendance.
The Government identifies children as “persistent absentees” when attendance falls below 90%. Persistent absence is viewed as a serious matter as it can lead to underperformance and therefore will be closely monitored.
Please be reminded of the following:
- School starts at 8:55am promptly; therefore, all children are expected to arrive on time to start the day. Any child arriving after this time will be marked as late. Late marks can also impact on overall attendance and can seriously disrupt continuity of learning, undermine educational progress, and lead to underachievement and low attainment.
- You must contact school by 9:15am to inform us if your child will be absent, providing the reason why and expected return date.
- If a child is ill and is prescribed medication, evidence of this must be provided to the school upon returning in order to record the absence correctly.
- Please make every effort to book any appointments out of school hours. A child will only be authorised to be absent for medical appointments where an appointment card is provided and your child will be expected to attend school before/after any appointment.
- If your child’s attendance falls below 95%, you will be expected to provide medical evidence for all absence in order for it to be authorised. This will be used as evidence when data is collected on pupil attendance.
- Holidays during term time will not be authorised. If you do plan to take your child out of school, please put your request in writing to the Head Teacher so that we are aware of when your child will be absent and how long for. This will also impact on your child’s overall attendance and you may receive a fixed penalty notice from the local authority not the school.
- Unauthorised absence can lead to home visits, warning letters, fixed penalty notices, attendance panel or court proceedings.
- Please note that we must be made aware if your child will not be attending school to keep in line with safeguarding procedures. If your child is absent and contact has not been made, we may refer your child to our Education Welfare Officer or to the Safeguarding Team.
NIJ Attendance Team